This workshop is all about using your roller skates as a mode of transportation for when you’re out and about. If you’re comfortable skating on flat, smooth ground then you’re ready to take your skates to the streets! We learn how to skate through town and navigate different terrains. We practice jumps, tricks, up- and downhill skating, as well as how to go up and down stairs.

Participants will need to bring their own roller skates, helmets and protective gear (wrist guards, knee & elbow pads). For extra protection you can also wear crash pads. Good wheels are vital in street skating, when rolling over bumps and cracks in the pavement - that’s why we recommend Radar Energy Wheels for a smooth ride and overall better street skating experience!

What’s on the Program

We start with a warm up and safety practice. We drill falling, braking and other things you will need when skating through town. The adventure begins with trail skating along the Mur, eventually making our way into the inner city. We make a few stops along the way to practice things like up- and downhill skating and going up and down stairs. The goal is to get from A to B as safely as possible!